Excellent Equinox ~ 20 Mar 2021

It’s the equinox! Happy Autumn to those Down Under. Cheers to Spring for those in the Northern Hemisphere.

A seasonal shift within itself may not be considered an excellent calendric event. It’s an Earth alignment thing, not a planet transit thing. However, strategic application of the energies underscoring the change of seasons might set an excellent agenda for pursuit of transits in play. As the Vernal Equinox occurs in Aries, this time of year encourages the build up a head of steam and preparation for initiating activities. At the equinox, a balance of light and dark tips the diurnal-nocturnal fulcrum. As such, sensing when the time is ripe for any activity is key... as is revering dawn and twilight as gateways between the realms of light. Apply all instinctive responses to decision-making.

Venus now nips at the heels of the Sun as he enters Aries. She reaches conjunction with the Sun on the 25th and all her considerations and priorities stand to receive the full conscious attention and light of the core of the solar system.

Actually, Venus’ arrival on Aries stage signals a potent short term era of intensified primal energy. Upon her Aries ingress included within the first sign are: the Sun, Venus, Ceres, Chiron and Eris. Within this astrological era, tracking transits of the personal, faster-moving bodies to the slower-moving, trend-setting bodies, might assist in locating seasonal excellence. Before you realize it, Mercury joins in the fun.

25 March - Venus conjunct the Sun in Aries

You want what you want. Want not need.

Allow those you ask for what you want to factor in if they can participate within what they want.

Seek clarity on all things that suit your fancy. List everything you want. Carry it with you.

Determine your next step in securing those wants, keeping in mind decorum, politeness and assertiveness than knows where the cusp of aggression and bellicosity is location.

Remember it’s better if those included on your journey want to take the trip with you in the first place.

28 March - Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries

Value what’s good about you.

Value what’s good for you.

On a mundane level this refers to fluid that travels through any “piping.” In the body this is blood circulation. To a house this could be water pipes. To projects intended for completion this represents unimpeded creative flow.

This marks an appropriate time to follow up on any appointments for personal well-being, from beauty to health related. Anything you’ve been meaning to get to, do just that.

29 March - Sun conjunct Chiron in Aries

Make a point to shine brilliantly and like the pitch of a fever, use personal combustion to burn out obstacles.

Should a mentor show up, gratefully accept the tutelage.

Should you receive a mentor request, do consider. The primary factor is can you dedicate the focused, committed time that would be required by taking on such a profound role?

Make a point to affirm all good things. Do not air concerns or doubts in public venues. Save such discussions for private spaces with close colleagues, mentors and guides.

Be bright, optimistic, solution-oriented. “There’s gotta be a way to make it better,” is a fitting bumper sticker for this transit.

3 April - Venus conjunct Ceres in Aries

Right as Mercury steps over the zodiacal state line of Aries and you want to give everyone a piece of your mind, this advocacy aspect takes shape. It’s advocacy for those who despite their efforts, are overshadowed by others or shunned for no evident reason.

Ensure those for whom you assume your advocacy is required, actually benefit from your advocacy efforts.

While it’s fine to be firm in advocating for what you personally want from any situation, this transit requires tact, decorum and persuasive nondestructive persistence.

Contemplate the differences between consensus and compromise.

Remove urges to go “nuclear option,” “scorched Earth,” or “zero-sum.”

Attend to the instinct to cut off the nose to spite the face.

Focus on the fact that outcomes do well to include all and shun none. As transits to Eris occur later in April (next SkyScraping), this will become even more important.

In matters of salary and compensation ask for what you require in a simple statement free of apology or justification.

6 April - Sun conjunct Ceres in Aries

Conduct a swift and concise campaign of self-advocacy based upon affirmation of undeniable personal assets, skills and talents.

Avoid the urge to repeat yourself or to talk beyond the threshold of agreement.

Stake your claim, defend your claim and remain vigilant.

When done with an issue, completely let it go.

Resist the urge to cut off your nose to spite your face or shoot yourself in the foot. Yes, this was stated before and works to prevent self-sabotaging tendencies.

8 April - Mercury conjunct Chiron in Aries

There’s no better mundane assignment for this planetary combo than that of the “prescription.” The writing down of a remedy that is good for what ails you.

Prescribe yourself a doctrine to yourself to be mindful to keep your inner editor in check.

Prescribe the thickening of your skin such that harsh words, written or spoken, intentional or otherwise, are effortlessly repelled.

Immunize your psyche against social media’s underbelly.

Prescribe yourself an agenda of well-being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Do what exercises are required to stay on your game. When it’s time to increase repetitions or take on more potent exercises, then prescribe those and engage within a timely manner.

Here’s to an excellent equinox that carries you through the next season and tills the turf of life for what is to come in the year unfolding.

More soon.